Thursday, August 4, 2011

Find Your Dream!

Find Your Dream!
Sometimes dreams go “on ice” for a little while, but never forget them, because dreams are what life is made of. What’s more, dreams are what forever is made of. Not those ambitious dreams of “I want to make a million dollars so I can live in ease and comfort”. What is a dream that you hold deep in your heart that is almost too crazy to even express? What is something that you know not everyone would understand; that perhaps you would be laughed at or people would view you as a little bit different? More importantly, what is something that you have held on to for what seems like forever, and it has never gone away? It has remained through ups and downs, laughter and tears. Find that dream. Follow it to your destiny, for that is where it will lead. Why? How? There is One Who has planted those dreams deep inside, Whose own dream was outlandish and crazy. How does One even express that to his fellow man?—“I want to save the souls of everyone on Earth.” But He did! And you also can live your dream and through it, find your way through this lonely land and on to eternity.

What is my dream? I want each person to discover their true destiny, their deepest dream, that which will light an undying passion to carry someone over, under, around and through any obstacle and difficulty, and finally welcome them home, with open arms.

If you haven’t found that yet, it’s okay. If you couldn’t quite say, “I have a passion in this”, don’t lose any sleep over it. You will discover it when the time is right—not too soon and not too late.

Perhaps it will flutter into your thoughts and mind, like a gentle butterfly, and remain there, until the flower of your heart is open to its whisper. Perhaps it will rush in like a tidal wave, overwhelming every other thought and desire, and you will have no choice but to make that dream a reality. Perhaps you will read something that triggers it inside you; perhaps you will hear someone speak and a thought or concept will emerge and take hold of your focus and energies. I know not how it may occur in your own life; all I know is that it will, someday.

Keep your heart open, because you—just as every other person on this earth—has a calling and destiny. How do I know? Because it has been written—not among the trillions of reams of paper and the tetrabytes of knowledge being produced on an almost daily basis—but it has been written in your soul. There is a deep and abiding impression upon your heart that was there from before you were born. From the dawn of time and the creation of the world, from the times that the stars and planets were set in space and motion—you were chosen and ordained. Perhaps you have a hard time believing in that concept, but that is okay, because the One Who created it all believes in you, and that is what matters. In times when belief is hard to come by amidst the myriad manifestations of a faith famine, rest in the fact that Someone believes in you. Smile, and let it increase your own faith. I believe in you as well. You will fulfill your destiny.

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