
Someone once said, "Dreams are life's greatest reality." Whether or not that statement is true, none can deny that dreams are special. Somehow, it seems we can be everything that we’ve already wanted to be and do what we’ve always wanted to do in the magical land of dreams. There are no limits in that land and somehow everything seems possible. The past, present and future seem to meld together in congruence. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that a lot of dreams can be quite random and don’t really make sense, but I also know that there are a lot of significant dreams as well. Sometimes they give a premonition, or reveal something important, or we experience something in them that we never expected, yet it is exactly what we need at that moment. I have had these kinds of dreams few times, and I have heard many of these similar dreams from my friends, and some of them are quite incredible! Therefore, I wanted a page on my blog dedicated to these types of dreams, a place that where these beautiful gifts can be shared and enjoyed.