Thursday, June 9, 2011

Knocking at Heaven's Doors...

Knocking at Heaven's Doors...

The near-death experience (NDE) is the term for a state of awareness that has been extensively studied and researched over the past 35 years, since it was first used by Dr. Moody in his groundbreaking book Life After Life. Since then, researchers and doctors, scientists and psychologists, skeptics and believers alike, have studied and tried to make sense of the phenomenon, which most commonly occurs—as would be guessed—when someone is close to death. The near-death experience contains a number of elements, or stages, unique to the state, such as the feeling of leaving one’s body, entering or going through a tunnel, being bathed with or entering a light so bright and finding it does not hurt the eyes, being met by loved ones who have passed on, or a being of light, reviewing one’s life from beginning to end, being told or decided that now is not time to die. Experiences do not commonly contain every single element. I will leave further explanation of the phenomenon itself to those who have researched the topic for years and have interviewed many experiencers, or who have even had an NDE of his or her own.

I have had an interest in NDEs since I first read Closer To The Light, a study of children who have had NDEs. Subsequently, I read Embraced by the Light, Saved by the Light, Life After Life, and Life Before Life, which for me acted as hors’ doevres, a sampling, an appetizer for deeper truths and concepts.

I was soon thrilled to discover that they were all around. They whispered from dreams, peeked out through revelations and realizations. I have since deemed them spiritual experiences and I would venture to say it is a rare person who has not, at some point in their life, had a spiritual experience in some form.

I realize that such a subjective statement could easily be put aside by those quick to disbelieve. Things can easily be explained away and too often are—“coincidence” when we think of someone and within fifteen seconds they call, “luck” when we are rescued from a close shave, “meaningless” when we have a dream, “useless” when someone says I am praying for you—when all the while those in realms beyond who would love to aid us, who reach out in every way they can, are pushed aside as myth, taboo, occult or simplistic.

Yet still a greater reality beckons to all who would listen, and brings to a greater understanding those who step into the ocean of the depths and heights of the spiritual realm.

There are those who would say it is inaccessible to those who have not crossed over. If that were the case, why then thousands of stories of lives changed forever by their experience of stepping beyond the veil for a moment and returning to share the glory of the light with others?

It is said in the Bible, after speaking of the amazing feats of great man of faith, that we on earth are surrounded by that very same 'cloud of witnesses'. What would their role be if not to watch for the sake of guiding and leading us in the race that they have already run, and won?

Their wisdom, gained from a lifetime of experiences, their insight, possible from a realm of infinite understanding, their comfort, poured out from a realm of infinite love, their strength, bestowed by hands that are never weary and arms that never tire—are available at the touch of our faith and request of our lips.
Each time they reach out to touch or aid one of us can be deemed a miracle, a touch of the supernatural upon a physical world. Whether a near death experience or any other experience of a spiritual or supernatural nature, it is always for a purpose, and often for more than only one purpose. The plan of a God so great that none can fully grasp him, yet so personal that he reaches down to touch the lives and hearts of each of his creations in the way he knows is best, and the time he knows is right.

Sometimes it is an encounter with an angel. Sometimes it is no more than a dream. Or it could be a 'chance' meeting that changes the course of your life. There are no coincidences, and every day is framed with a touch of the divine, if only it was recognized more often by us on earth whose lives are daily influenced and guided by those who wait for us beyond the veil.

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