Wednesday, August 31, 2011

That Night I Learnt...

“Moon, O Moon hanging up in the sky
So gracious up there in your lofty post
The sky’s great vastness for your comfy bed
Your companions the endless starry hosts.

“Moon, O Moon shining so bright
So beautiful and perfect you seem
So bathed bright in glorious splendour
Living, it appears, the endless dream.

“Moon, O moon in your dazzling glory
So detached you seems from the problems of life
So distant from we earthly folk
Those who seem doomed to perish in strife.

“Moon, O Moon, thou detached one
Who so far removed from us appears
Can you dare to feel what the heart doth feel
When it is broken and shattered by tears?

“Moon, O Moon, look down upon us
Consider our mortal frames
Could you ever have experienced what we go through
Or do you know love only in name?

“Moon, O Moon, tell me if you can
Has your heart ever quickened at the sight
Of one that you loved so deeply
One that captured your heart with their might?

“Moon, O Moon, tell me if you can
If you have ever felt Cupid’s bow
If you ever felt within you so strong a passion
That it seemed your heart would overflow?

“Moon, O Moon, how could you understand
The depths of pain that I feel?
For the arrow that struck, now wrenched from my heart
The wound left, never to heal.

“Moon, O Moon, tell me if you know
The pain of leaving someone that you love
Do you understand the pain of forsaking
Or do you just carelessly float above.

“Tell me O Moon, for this I must know
Could you ever understand my heart?
And how it breaks at what I now face
How it is ripped and torn apart?

“Nay, O Moon, thou art but a lump of rock
Hanging in the sky so high
You have no thought to us mortals below
How silly to think you’d heed my cry.”

His head hung low as he fell to his knees.
Exhausted and spent in his plight
The loneliness that he felt within his soul
Augmented by the clear cold night.

Round about was peaceful and still
Silence broken only by the crickets’ cry
But his heart, so broken and wracked by pain
Couldn’t harmonise with the evening’s lullaby.

Tears rolled down his worn face
And watered the grass below
The pain and hurt of many days
From his weary eyes did flow.

Suddenly, his sobs were hushed
By a voice distant, yet somehow near
A voice that seemed to sooth his heart
He turned his head to discern where

This voice seemed to be coming from
So angelic was the sound
His eyes once more beheld the moon
As the melody of the voice echoed all around.

“My child,” it softly spoke
And he knew at once its source
His eyes riveted on the object
He had just abused with force.

“My child,” the moon whispered once more
“Attend and hear my word
For my heart within is deeply pained
From your speech that I have heard.

“Not that I blame you for what you’ve said
The pain in your heart bid you speak
But it was the words you spoke
That stirred a hurt down deep.

“You see, child, I know your pain
For I am more than mere rock
A soul within this rocky crust lies
Though it is unperceived by the mortal stock

“And now I share with you a secret
Kept hidden from the beginning of time
You see, I too have felt love’s touch
Deep within this heart of mine.

“I too have known a love
Deeper than all celestial depth
Higher than all the atmospheric heavens
Indeed, I find myself inadequate

“To express in mere common tongue
A love that is purer than gold
A treasure more precious than life itself
A passion that will never grow old.

“For it is living and breathing—this love
It is not dead, old and still
For the power of such a connection and bond
Cannot by anything be killed.

“His name is the Sun
And you know him well
For his face has shone upon the earth
Since the beginning of time immaculate

“So perfect and precise is he
In his bringing of light to the earth
There is not one place absent from his rays
 Nor a life—both death and birth

“Under his careful daily vigil
Life on this planet sustains and survives
So much so that people have often worshiped
His majesty that maketh life to thrive

“Of course, he is but nothing
In comparison to the One who gave him light
But he doeth his part in brightening the earth
As such he is valued in their sight.

“And yet there is a secret
That no one in creation knows
That his heart is indeed mine
That our love for each other strongly grows.

“From the time the Creator’s hand touched us
And spoke us into life and being
Our hearts were lost in each other’s love
And we hoped this was the glorious beginning

“Of a love that would survive the ages
And be enjoyed by us for many a year
To be together and to enjoy our lives
To love, to cherish, to hold dear.

“But the hand of the Master led differently
For in His infinite wisdom He knew the way
He set us apart, different tasks to fulfil—
I the night and him the day

“Oh how this broke our hearts
The bodies divided though the souls still pair
Separated by time, alienated by space
The distance difficult to bear.

“Although the ‘ideal’ was removed from our love
We still held on to the eternal hope
That the One who made us made love too
And He wouldn’t leave us in our darkness to grope

“But that He had a purpose in what He did
And it was to accomplish a greater good
To fulfil a purpose so eternal and valuable
Something that together we never could

“And so we both parted ways
But we both kept our love in our hearts
And in His service we did strive
Both doing our parts to shine in the dark.

“For He had made us his emissaries of light
To bring the world from darkness into day
To give a living vivid picture of His presence
Through the service that we gave day to day

“The sun to show His majesty
And power to all mankind
To give demonstration to His life giving ways
To a world that would otherwise in darkness be blind.

“And I to give forth hope
In the darkness of night
That there is still a promise of hope above
Giving the struggler comfort in their fight

“6,000 and more years have we served
Under our Maker’s loving hand
And we have come to trust His wisdom
For we have seen the fruits of His plan

“Although the trials of being apart are many
We would not ever trade
This position of eternal usefulness
To live our own dreams for a day

“For we know that He knows best
For He doeth all things in love
And one day everything that we have given up
Will be returned to us from His hand above

“One day, a thousand years from now
The heavens and the earth will pass away
And there will be no more need for us in the sky
For our Lord will be the light of their day

“In that time immortal
We will be joined together once again
Destined to share eternity forever
Free from any loneliness and pain.

“We shall love and hold for eternity
And enjoy the treasures our sacrifice has wrought
And we will know in truest colors
That is was in His will that these things were brought

“And so until that day
We encourage ourselves with that faith
And we give our lives gladly in service
While for that day we can hardly wait

“His will we fulfil now while here
For we know that on the other side
We’ll be together for eternity
In our rewards and love to forever abide

“And so, my child, take heart
I too know what you feel
But take stock of what I’ve said
And allow your heart to heal

“Hold on to the Master’s promise
And lose yourself in His mission for you
For the day will very soon come
When His promise will be fulfilled true.

“And when you find yourself in that day
You will know that your reward
Comes from the life that you have to Him
Riches that your scars have earned

“So take heart and run this race
Knowing that time shall soon be no more
And that you will be together again soon
To love and hold on eternities shore

“Hold on to the hand of the Master
His grace and power will see you through
For it is his bidding that has brought you thus far
He will complete what He began in you

“And when you feel all hope is gone
Look up and see that there are others who run this race
And let it spur you onwards and upwards
Until you see His heavenly face.

“Hang on to His promise, never doubt
His word is spoken and true
You will be reunited together forever
In that day beyond the blue!”

 ~Zephyr Angel Chanson

PS: This is but a short snippet of a longer work that is in the production stages. Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Find Your Dream!

Find Your Dream!
Sometimes dreams go “on ice” for a little while, but never forget them, because dreams are what life is made of. What’s more, dreams are what forever is made of. Not those ambitious dreams of “I want to make a million dollars so I can live in ease and comfort”. What is a dream that you hold deep in your heart that is almost too crazy to even express? What is something that you know not everyone would understand; that perhaps you would be laughed at or people would view you as a little bit different? More importantly, what is something that you have held on to for what seems like forever, and it has never gone away? It has remained through ups and downs, laughter and tears. Find that dream. Follow it to your destiny, for that is where it will lead. Why? How? There is One Who has planted those dreams deep inside, Whose own dream was outlandish and crazy. How does One even express that to his fellow man?—“I want to save the souls of everyone on Earth.” But He did! And you also can live your dream and through it, find your way through this lonely land and on to eternity.

What is my dream? I want each person to discover their true destiny, their deepest dream, that which will light an undying passion to carry someone over, under, around and through any obstacle and difficulty, and finally welcome them home, with open arms.

If you haven’t found that yet, it’s okay. If you couldn’t quite say, “I have a passion in this”, don’t lose any sleep over it. You will discover it when the time is right—not too soon and not too late.

Perhaps it will flutter into your thoughts and mind, like a gentle butterfly, and remain there, until the flower of your heart is open to its whisper. Perhaps it will rush in like a tidal wave, overwhelming every other thought and desire, and you will have no choice but to make that dream a reality. Perhaps you will read something that triggers it inside you; perhaps you will hear someone speak and a thought or concept will emerge and take hold of your focus and energies. I know not how it may occur in your own life; all I know is that it will, someday.

Keep your heart open, because you—just as every other person on this earth—has a calling and destiny. How do I know? Because it has been written—not among the trillions of reams of paper and the tetrabytes of knowledge being produced on an almost daily basis—but it has been written in your soul. There is a deep and abiding impression upon your heart that was there from before you were born. From the dawn of time and the creation of the world, from the times that the stars and planets were set in space and motion—you were chosen and ordained. Perhaps you have a hard time believing in that concept, but that is okay, because the One Who created it all believes in you, and that is what matters. In times when belief is hard to come by amidst the myriad manifestations of a faith famine, rest in the fact that Someone believes in you. Smile, and let it increase your own faith. I believe in you as well. You will fulfill your destiny.