Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Promise of Love...

My Promise of Love...

Have you ever loved someone so much that you didn’t have any words to describe the love that had for them? Have you ever felt something so strong for someone, yet you didn’t know the right way to put it? Have you ever received so much love from the one that you loved that you had no words to tell them just how much you appreciated it? Have you ever been so overwhelmed with thankfulness and love that you felt that mere words couldn’t do it justice?

Well, I too have felt this inadequacy. I have been loved with such a perfect love that I almost always run out of words to say. How do you tell the one that you love just how much you really love them? English is a very limited language. There are only so many words to describe the myriad of feelings that envelop us. Sometimes I wish it were possible to read thoughts and feelings. If such a thing were possible, then there would be no limits to the love that we could convey to the object of our love. There would be no stumbling to find the right words, no misunderstandings or miscommunications, no feelings of inadequacy when it comes to expressing the love that we feel overwhelming us.

Countless are the times when I have looked the one that I love so dearly and just wished they could know the depths of my love for them. There have been numerous occasions when I have felt the agony of the one dearest to me feeling that I don’t love them enough because I fail to articulate it properly, or as often as I should. It gets really frustrating sometimes when you hear the love of your life voice doubt in your love for them because of the lack of hearing it enough from you, or in clear words. I have felt the frustration of holding my darling in my arms and not knowing how to tell them just how much I love and care for them. If only they could see and feel that they are the one and only in my life, that loving them makes life worth living. If only I could express from the depths of my soul just how deep my love for them runs!

Dear reader, I think you must be wondering why the sudden offbeat post, heh. :-) It’s true, I don’t usually post stuff like this. However, today is a special day for me and the wonderful lover that I call my own, and so I am attempting to pen a tribute to this love of that we share. I have been privileged to know a love so wonderful and so deep and I enjoy living and enjoying this love. It’s not that our relationship is perfect. As with any relationship, it has its ups and downs and we have to work hard to fix the problems and make the pieces fit right. Being apart recently has also put a lot of new factors into the mix and it’s hard to be away from each other and not know how long it’s going to be till we are able to be together again. But it is our love that makes it all worth it. All the hard times are melted away in comparison to the love that binds us together.

And so I am attempting to express just how much this love means to me. Yet here I am, speechless once more. I can’t seem to find the words to describe this love. I’ve been trying all morning, yet I can’t seem to do it justice. So I’m just going to do what I think will work best.

A wise man once said that when you can’t think of anything to express what you mean, just do something that demonstrates it, and your actions will speak louder than your words ever could. So that’s what I am going to do now. I am not going to attempt to write long pages of endearment, because there is not enough paper and ink in the world to hold the entirety of what I want to say. I’m not going to wring my brain dry in search for the perfect expressions to describe the feelings of love that are bursting within me. All my efforts will fail miserably (as they already have). And so, I am just going to say this:

“My love, my darling, my sweetheart, my everything, I love you with everything that is within me. I can’t ever express just how much I love you, and I don’t think that there will ever be words in any language under Heaven that will be able to fully sum up my love and passion for you. But I promise you this: until the day that you can read my thoughts and decipher my feelings and thereby know the totality of my love, I will do everything in my power to show you how much I love you. I will love you with my deeds and actions. I will live every day as an example of my love for you. I will show you with every word that I say and with everything that I do just how much you mean to me. I will use whatever methods and means that I have at my disposal to show you just how true and deep my love for you is. And whether we are together or apart as we are now, I will be living my life as a testament to my love for you! Through my actions, I am going to try to tell you of my love and reassure you that you are the love of my life and that there is no other like you! And I pray that through all this, you will know just how much I love you and how deeply I mean it. This is my vow and promise to you! I am forever yours, honey! I can do nothing else! I love you with all of my heart!”

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