Sunday, February 20, 2011

Unaware Angels

Unaware angels

There is a verse somewhere in the Bible that talks about being kind to strangers because we never know when we might be entertaining angels unawares.

I have heard enough stories and experiences from people I know and trust, and experienced things myself to know this to be true.

However there is another kind of 'angel unaware'. I am unsure whether this second kind occurs more or less often than the kind mentioned in the Bible. The funny thing is, it is up to us how many times it happens.

Have you ever been an angel unaware? Have you been there for someone, called them at just the time they needed someone to talk to? Answered the phone in the middle of the night and listened and reassured a friend who was despairing? Written a note of encouragement or blessing to a friend because they just happened to pop into your mind? Done a favor for someone when they were down and out? Has someone ever done any odds those things, or other things, for you? Are there those of whom you would say, 'he/she was an angel to me when I needed it most'. Maybe they don't even know that it meant so much to you and that it was something you'll never forget. They were unaware that they were an angel unaware.

Would you be interested in being an angel unaware? The opportunities arise at the oddest times and places, usually when we feel we have nothing left to give, or when we don't really feel we have the time or wherewithal to reach out to another. Maybe that is so that we do  not credit ourselves too much. After all, an angel is what? A messenger. Whose messenger? God's. What better time to be a messenger of love, hope and comfort than at a time we know it cannot be us and we rely on Him the most.

I could sure do with more angelic presence in my life. I would be more than happy to entertain angels. When they're not seeking to be entertained, though, I think I'll try to help others by being an unaware angel.

Care to join me?

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